Source code for snake.mrd_utils.writer

"""Export data to mrd format."""

from __future__ import annotations
import logging
import os
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
import ismrmrd as mrd
import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from hydra_callbacks import PerfLogger
from mrinufft.trajectories.utils import Gammas
from snake._version import __version__ as version

from .utils import get_waveform_id, obj2b64encode

    from snake.core.phantom import DynamicData, Phantom
    from snake.core.handlers import AbstractHandler, HandlerList
    from snake.core.sampling import BaseSampler
    from snake.core.simulation import SimConfig

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def get_mrd_header(sim_conf: SimConfig, engine: str) -> mrd.xsd.ismrmrdHeader: """Create a MRD Header for snake-fmri data.""" H = mrd.xsd.ismrmrdHeader() # Experimental conditions H.experimentalConditions = mrd.xsd.experimentalConditionsType( H1resonanceFrequency_Hz=int(Gammas.H * 1e3), ) # Acquisition System Information H.acquisitionSystemInformation = mrd.xsd.acquisitionSystemInformationType( deviceID="SNAKE", systemVendor="SNAKE", systemModel=f"{version}-{engine}", deviceSerialNumber=42, systemFieldStrength_T=sim_conf.hardware.field, receiverChannels=sim_conf.hardware.n_coils, ) # Encoding # FOV computation input_fov = mrd.xsd.fieldOfViewMm(*(np.array(sim_conf.fov_mm, dtype=np.float64))) input_matrix = mrd.xsd.matrixSizeType(*sim_conf.shape) output_fov = mrd.xsd.fieldOfViewMm(*(np.array(sim_conf.fov_mm, dtype=np.float64))) output_matrix = mrd.xsd.matrixSizeType(*sim_conf.shape) # FIXME: update the encoding in acquisition writer. encoding = mrd.xsd.encodingType( encodedSpace=mrd.xsd.encodingSpaceType(input_matrix, input_fov), reconSpace=mrd.xsd.encodingSpaceType(output_matrix, output_fov), trajectory=mrd.xsd.trajectoryType.OTHER, encodingLimits=mrd.xsd.encodingLimitsType( kspace_encoding_step_0=-1, kspace_encoding_step_1=-1, kspace_encoding_step_2=-1, repetition=-1, ), ) H.encoding.append(encoding) # Sequence Parameters H.sequenceParameters = mrd.xsd.sequenceParametersType( TR=sim_conf.seq.TR, TE=sim_conf.seq.TE, flipAngle_deg=sim_conf.seq.FA, ) H.userParameters = mrd.xsd.userParametersType( userParameterDouble=[ mrd.xsd.userParameterDoubleType(name=name, value=value) for name, value in [ ("gmax", sim_conf.hardware.gmax), ("smax", sim_conf.hardware.smax), ("dwell_time_ms", sim_conf.hardware.dwell_time_ms), ("rng_seed", sim_conf.rng_seed), ("max_sim_time", sim_conf.max_sim_time), ] ] ) return H
[docs] def add_phantom_mrd( dataset: mrd.Dataset, phantom: Phantom, sim_conf: SimConfig ) -> mrd.Dataset: """Add the phantom to the dataset.""" return phantom.to_mrd_dataset(dataset, sim_conf)
[docs] def add_smaps_mrd( dataset: mrd.Dataset, sim_conf: SimConfig, smaps: NDArray | None = None, ) -> mrd.Dataset: """Add the Smaps to the dataset.""" if smaps is None: return dataset elif smaps.shape != (sim_conf.hardware.n_coils, *sim_conf.shape): raise ValueError( "Incompatible smaps shape" f"{smaps.shape} != {(sim_conf.hardware.n_coils, *sim_conf.shape)} " ) dataset.append_image( "smaps", mrd.image.Image( head=mrd.image.ImageHeader( matrixSize=mrd.xsd.matrixSizeType(*smaps.shape[1:]), fieldOfView_mm=mrd.xsd.fieldOfViewMm(*sim_conf.fov_mm), channels=len(smaps), acquisition_time_stamp=0, ), data=smaps, ), ) return dataset
[docs] def add_dynamic_mrd( dataset: mrd.Dataset, dynamic: DynamicData, sim_conf: SimConfig ) -> mrd.Dataset: """Add the dynamic data to the dataset.""" waveform_id = get_waveform_id( # add the type to the header. hdr = mrd.xsd.CreateFromDocument(dataset.read_xml_header()) hdr.waveformInformation.append( mrd.xsd.waveformInformationType(, waveformType=waveform_id, userParameters=mrd.xsd.userParametersType( userParameterBase64=[ mrd.xsd.userParameterBase64Type(, obj2b64encode(dynamic.func) ) ], userParameterString=[ mrd.xsd.userParameterStringType( "domain", "kspace" if dynamic.in_kspace else "image" ) ], ), ) ) dataset.write_xml_header(mrd.xsd.ToXML(hdr)) if == 1: channels = 1 nsamples =[0] elif == 2: channels, nsamples = else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid data shape: {}") dataset.append_waveform( mrd.Waveform( mrd.WaveformHeader( waveform_id=waveform_id, number_of_samples=nsamples, channels=channels, sample_time_us=sim_conf.sim_tr_ms * 1000, ), data=np.float32(, ) ) return dataset
[docs] def add_coil_cov_mrd( dataset: mrd.Dataset, sim_conf: SimConfig, coil_cov: NDArray | None = None, ) -> mrd.Dataset: """Add the Smaps to the dataset.""" n_coils = sim_conf.hardware.n_coils if coil_cov is None: return dataset elif coil_cov.shape != (n_coils, n_coils): raise ValueError( f"Incompatible coil_cov shape {coil_cov.shape} != {(n_coils, n_coils)} " ) dataset.append_image( "coil_cov", mrd.image.Image( head=mrd.image.ImageHeader( matrixSize=mrd.xsd.matrixSizeType(*coil_cov.shape), fieldOfView_mm=mrd.xsd.fieldOfViewMm(*coil_cov.shape), channels=1, acquisition_time_stamp=0, ), data=coil_cov, ), ) return dataset
[docs] def make_base_mrd( filename: os.PathLike, sampler: BaseSampler, phantom: Phantom, sim_conf: SimConfig, handlers: list[AbstractHandler] | HandlerList | None = None, smaps: NDArray | None = None, coil_cov: NDArray | None = None, ) -> mrd.Dataset: """ Create a base `.mrd` file from the simulation configurations. Parameters ---------- filename : os.PathLike The output filename. sampler : BaseSampler The sampling pattern generator. phantom : Phantom The phantom object. sim_conf : SimConfig The simulation configurations. dynamic_data : list[DynamicData], optional The dynamic data, by default None smaps : NDArray, optional The coil sensitivity maps, by default None coil_covar : NDArray, optional The coil covariance matrix, by default None """ try: log.warning("Existing %s it will be overwritten", filename) os.remove(filename) except Exception as e: log.error(e) pass dataset = mrd.Dataset(filename, "dataset", create_if_needed=True) dataset.write_xml_header( mrd.xsd.ToXML(get_mrd_header(sim_conf, sampler.__engine__)) ) with PerfLogger(logger=log, name="acq"): sampler.add_all_acq_mrd(dataset, sim_conf) # Apply the handlers and get the dynamic data if handlers is None: handlers = [] for h in handlers: phantom = h.get_static(phantom, sim_conf) dynamic_data = [h.get_dynamic(phantom, sim_conf) for h in handlers] with PerfLogger(logger=log, name="phantom"): add_phantom_mrd(dataset, phantom, sim_conf) with PerfLogger(logger=log, name="dynamic"): if dynamic_data is not None: for dyn in dynamic_data: if dyn is not None: add_dynamic_mrd(dataset, dyn, sim_conf) with PerfLogger(logger=log, name="smaps"): if sim_conf.hardware.n_coils > 1 and smaps is not None: add_smaps_mrd(dataset, sim_conf, smaps) with PerfLogger(logger=log, name="coil_cov"): if sim_conf.hardware.n_coils > 1 and coil_cov is not None: add_coil_cov_mrd(dataset, sim_conf, coil_cov) dataset._file.flush() dataset.close() return dataset