βš™οΈ SNAKE Internals#

In this document we present the main principles driving the development of SNAKE.

General architecture#

SNAKE is built around a modular core that consist of several objects that defines the MRI acquisition system. There is also a toolkit that built around the core to provide extra functionalities such as a CLI interface, as well as reconstruction, statistical analysis and plotting tools.

Main data structures in SNAKE#

Here we describe in more details the main data structures that are used in SNAKE.


The SimConfig object holds all the information about the acquisition setup (TR, TE, FA, etc.) as initial setup for the simulation (shape of the phantom, duration of the simulation, etc.)


The Phantom represents the phantom state for the simulation, it consists of tissues maps and their MR properties (T1, T2*, PD, etc.).

It can be generated easily from a known setup using Phantom.from_brainweb or Phantom.from_mri.


The phantom object is a static representation of the Phantom, the dynamic information would be added using handlers.


Handlers augments the simulation state by declaring how the Phantom should be modified during the simulation.


BaseSampler are objects responsible to parametrize and generate k-space shots for the acquisition. They can be time-varying, or not.

Acquisition Engine#

The BaseEngine is what really perform the acquisition of the k-space data in SNAKE. Currently SNAKE support two acquisition models: GRE acquisition with or without \(T_2^*\) and they optionally can be restricted to 2D imaging. See Signal Model for more details.

The base algorithm for the acquisition could be summarized as follows:

for t in range(shot_times):
    shot = get_shot(t) # get the k-space trajectory to acquire at time t
    updated_phantom = base_phantom.copy()
    for h in handlers: # apply all the handlers to the phantom
        updated_phantom = h(updated_phantom, t)
    kspace_data[t] = fourier_model(updated_phantom, shot) # acquire the k-space data

Signal Model#

The signal model is properly defined in the SNAKE paper [1]. Here we summarize the main equations that are used to generate the k-space data.


The MRD file as interface#

Since the acquisition of a shot can be fully determined from the instant it is run and the phantom state, we can save all this information for later use and parallel computation. This is done using the MRD file format.


The MRD (or ismrmrd) format is a standard format for storing MRI raw k-space data. It basically consist in a HDF5 file with a dedicated header and a specific structure.

SNAKE relies on the .mrd file format to store the raw data from MRI experiments.

The .mrd file format is a standard for sharing raw data of MRI experiments. The format is based on the HDF5 file format, which is a widely used file format for scientific data. The .mrd file format is designed to store raw data from MRI experiments, including the raw k-space data, the acquisition parameters, and other relevant information [1] The format is designed to be flexible and extensible, allowing for the storage of a wide range of data types and structures.

SNAKE MRD file structure#

SNAKE leverages the flexibility of the .mrd file format to store all the information need to simulate (f)MRI experiments. This allows the simulation to be performed in parallel (and very fast).

The SNAKE MRD file structure is as follows:

  • header group: contains the metadata for the file, as well as serialized information for the simulation.

  • acquisition group: contains the raw k-space data and the acquisition parameters.

  • images group: contains the static information for the simulation (phantom, coil sensitivity maps, etc.).

  • waveforms group: contains the dynamic information for the simulation (motion, physiological noise, etc.).

Reading and writing MRD files#

SNAKE provides a set of functions to read and write MRD files in the snake.mrd_utils module, built on top of the ismrmrd library.

Efficient computations with Multiprocessing#

to perform the acquisition SNAKE efficiently use the multiprocessing python module to parallelize the acquisition of the k-space data. See snake.engine.BaseEngine.__call__ for more details.


Currently the SNAKE multiprocessing acquisition and the use of GPU-based NUFFT are incompatible on Windows.