Source code for snake.core.phantom.shepp_logan

"""Shepp-Logan phantom generation."""

import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import NDArray

[docs] def mr_shepp_logan( N: int | tuple[int, int, int], E: np.ndarray | None = None, B0: float = 3, zlims: tuple[float, float] = (-1, 1), ) -> tuple[NDArray, ...]: """Generate a Shepp-Logan phantom with MR tissue parameters. Parameters ---------- N : int or array_like Matrix size, (N, N, N), or (L, M, N). E : array_like, optional ex13 numeric matrix defining e ellipses. The columns of E are: - x-coordinate of the center of the ellipsoid (in [-1, 1]) - y-coordinate of the center of the ellipsoid (in [-1, 1]) - z-coordinate of the center of the ellipsoid (in [-1, 1]) - x principal axis of the ellipsoid - y principal axis of the ellipsoid - z principal axis of the ellipsoid - Angle of the ellipsoid (in rad) - spin density, M0 - Parameter A for T1 determination - Parameter C for T1 determination - Explicit T1 value (in sec, or np.nan if model is used) - T2 value (in sec) - chi (change in magnetic susceptibility) If spin density is negative, M0, T1, and T2 will be subtracted instead of cummulatively added. B0 : float, optimal Field strength (in Tesla). zlims : tuple, optional Only for 3D. Specify bounds along z. Often we only want the middle portion of a 3D phantom, e.g., zlim=(-.5, .5). Returns ------- M0 : array_like The proton density. T1 : array_like The T1 values. T2 : array_like The T2 values. T2star : array_like The T2 star values. The T2star values are calculated using magnetic susceptibility and T2. labels: array_like An integer-labelled partition of the phantom. Notes ----- Implements the phantoms described in [1]_. If parameters A, C are given and T1 is None, T1 is determined according to the equation: T1 = A*B0^C The original source code [2]_ References ---------- .. [1] Gach, H. Michael, Costin Tanase, and Fernando Boada. "2D & 3D Shepp-Logan phantom standards for MRI." 2008 19th International Conference on Systems Engineering. IEEE, 2008. .. [2] """ # noqa: E501 # Determine size of phantom if isinstance(N, int): L, M, N = N, N, N else: L, M, N = N # Make sure zlims are appropriate assert len(zlims) == 2, ( "zlims must be a tuple with 2 entries: upper and lower bounds!" ) assert zlims[0] <= zlims[1], "zlims: lower bound must be first entry!" # Get parameters from paper if None provided if E is None: E = mr_ellipsoid_parameters() # Extract some parameters so we can use them xs = E[:, 0] ys = E[:, 1] zs = E[:, 2] xaxis = E[:, 3] yaxis = E[:, 4] zaxis = E[:, 5] theta = E[:, 6] M0 = E[:, 7] As = E[:, 8] Cs = E[:, 9] T1 = E[:, 10] T2 = E[:, 11] chis = E[:, 12] # Initialize array X, Y, Z = np.meshgrid( # meshgrid does X, Y backwards np.linspace(-1, 1, M), np.linspace(-1, 1, L), np.linspace(zlims[0], zlims[1], N) ) ct = np.cos(theta) st = np.sin(theta) sgn = np.sign(M0) T1s = np.zeros((L, M, N)) T2s = np.zeros((L, M, N)) M0s = np.zeros((L, M, N)) labelled = np.zeros((L, M, N)) gamma0 = 267.52219 # 10^6 radβ‹…sβˆ’1β‹…Tβ‹…βˆ’1 # Put ellipses where they need to be for ii in range(E.shape[1]): xc, yc, zc = xs[ii], ys[ii], zs[ii] a, b, c = xaxis[ii], yaxis[ii], zaxis[ii] ct0, st0 = ct[ii], st[ii] # Find indices falling inside the ellipsoid, ellipses only # rotated in xy plane idx = ((X - xc) * ct0 + (Y - yc) * st0) ** 2 / a**2 + ( (X - xc) * st0 - (Y - yc) * ct0 ) ** 2 / b**2 + (Z - zc) ** 2 / c**2 <= 1 # Add ellipses together -- subtract of M0 is negative M0s[idx] += M0[ii] # Use T2star values if user asked for them T2s[idx] += sgn[ii] / (1 / T2[ii] + gamma0 * np.abs(B0 * chis[ii])) # Use T1 model if not given explicit T1 value if np.isnan(T1[ii]): T1s[idx] += sgn[ii] * As[ii] * (B0 ** Cs[ii]) else: T1s[idx] += sgn[ii] * T1[ii] labelled[idx] = ii return (M0s, T1s, T2s, T2s, labelled)
[docs] def mr_ellipsoid_parameters() -> np.ndarray: """Return parameters of ellipsoids. Returns ------- E : array_like Parameters for the ellipsoids used to construct the phantom. """ params = _mr_relaxation_parameters() # fmt: off E = np.zeros((15, 13)) # [:, [x, y, z, a, b, c, theta, m0, A, C, (t1), t2, chi]] # noqa E[0, :] = [0, 0, 0, 0.72, 0.95, 0.93, 0, 0.8, *params["scalp"]] # noqa E[1, :] = [0, 0, 0, 0.69, 0.92, 0.9, 0, 0.12, *params["marrow"]] # noqa E[2, :] = [0, -0.0184, 0, 0.6624, 0.874, 0.88, 0, 0.98, *params["csf"]] # noqa E[3, :] = [0, -0.0184, 0, 0.6524, 0.864, 0.87, 0, 0.745, *params["gray-matter"]] # noqa E[4, :] = [-0.22, 0, -0.25, 0.41, 0.16, 0.21, np.deg2rad(-72), 0.98, *params["csf"]] # noqa E[5, :] = [0.22, 0, -0.25, 0.31, 0.11, 0.22, np.deg2rad(72), 0.98, *params["csf"]] # noqa E[6, :] = [0, 0.35, -0.25, 0.21, 0.25, 0.35, 0, 0.617, *params["white-matter"]] # noqa E[7, :] = [0, 0.1, -0.25, 0.046, 0.046, 0.046, 0, 0.95, *params["tumor"]] # noqa E[8, :] = [-0.08, -0.605, -0.25, 0.046, 0.023, 0.02, 0, 0.95, *params["tumor"]] # noqa E[9, :] = [0.06, -0.605, -0.25, 0.046, 0.023, 0.02, np.deg2rad(-90), 0.95, *params["tumor"]] # noqa E[10, :] = [0, -0.1, -0.25, 0.046, 0.046, 0.046, 0, 0.95, *params["tumor"]] # noqa E[11, :] = [0, -0.605, -0.25, 0.023, 0.023, 0.023, 0, 0.95, *params["tumor"]] # noqa E[12, :] = [0.06, -0.105, 0.0625, 0.056, 0.04, 0.1, np.deg2rad(-90), 0.93, *params["tumor"]] # noqa E[13, :] = [0, 0.1, 0.625, 0.056, 0.056, 0.1, 0, 0.98, *params["csf"]] # noqa E[14, :] = [0.56, -0.4, -0.25, 0.2, 0.03, 0.1, np.deg2rad(70), 0.85, *params["blood-clot"]] # noqa # fmt: on # Need to subtract some ellipses here... Eneg = np.zeros(E.shape) for ii in range(E.shape[0]): # Ellipsoid geometry Eneg[ii, :7] = E[ii, :7] # Tissue property differs after 4th subtracted ellipsoid if ii > 3: Eneg[ii, 7:] = E[3, 7:] else: Eneg[ii, 7:] = E[ii - 1, 7:] # Throw out first as we skip this one in the paper's table Eneg = Eneg[1:, :] # Spin density is negative for subtraction Eneg[:, 7] *= -1 # Paper doesn't use last blood-clot ellipsoid E = E[:-1, :] Eneg = Eneg[:-1, :] # Put both ellipsoid groups together E = np.concatenate((E, Eneg), axis=0) return E
[docs] def _mr_relaxation_parameters() -> dict: """Return MR relaxation parameters for certain tissues. Returns ------- params : dict Gives entries as [A, C, (t1), t2, chi] Notes ----- If t1 is None, the model T1 = A*B0^C will be used. If t1 is not np.nan, then specified t1 will be used. """ # params['tissue-name'] = [A, C, (t1 value if explicit), t2, chi] # fmt: off params = dict() params["scalp"] = [0.324, 0.137, np.nan, 0.07, -7.5e-6] # noqa params["marrow"] = [0.533, 0.088, np.nan, 0.05, -8.85e-6] # noqa params["csf"] = [np.nan, np.nan, 4.2, 1.99, -9e-6] # noqa params["blood-clot"] = [1.35, 0.34, np.nan, 0.2, -9e-6] # noqa params["gray-matter"] = [0.857, 0.376, np.nan, 0.1, -9e-6] # noqa params["white-matter"] = [0.583, 0.382, np.nan, 0.08, -9e-6] # noqa params["tumor"] = [0.926, 0.217, np.nan, 0.1, -9e-6] # noqa # fmt: on return params
[docs] def idx_in_ellipse(E: np.ndarray, shape: tuple[int, int, int]) -> np.ndarray: """Return array of index who fit in the ellipsoid. Parameters ---------- E: np.array 1d array defining the coordinate and size of the ellipsoid. shape: tuple shape of the complete volume. Returns ------- np.ndarray A boolean mask of index which are in the ellipse. """ # TODO: Refactor with the one in activation/ L, M, N = shape # Initialize array X, Y, Z = np.meshgrid( # meshgrid does X, Y backwards np.linspace(-1, 1, M), np.linspace(-1, 1, L), np.linspace(-1, 1, N) ) xc, yc, zc, a, b, c, theta = E[:7] ct0 = np.cos(theta) st0 = np.sin(theta) idx = ((X - xc) * ct0 + (Y - yc) * st0) ** 2 / a**2 + ( (X - xc) * st0 - (Y - yc) * ct0 ) ** 2 / b**2 + (Z - zc) ** 2 / c**2 <= 1 return idx